Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blog Post Numero Uno

After reading many blog posts and helped write a few, I've been quite intriged with writing and reading blogs. Heres a few things about me:

  1. I'm 5'8"
  2. I have bright blue eyes
  3. I have blonde hair
  4. The worst part about me is my skin is whiter than paper.
  5. This means.. I get sunburned not only more than everyone else, but worse than everyone else.

After going to the Beach for a week in California you'd think I'd know by now to put on sunscreen. I didn't. I suffered the worst pain of my entire life. I now think the sun is a monster.

My friends call me an assortment of different names starting at Albino, Pastey, and Elmer's Glue. I sing horribly. I have no musical talent. I am tactless. My friends consider me more or less of a loser, but despite how low my ego is I still think I have a reason for life. I like to hang around with my friends and play sports/workout. My breastest friend is Harrison. I hate High School Drama. Best of all I love to hang around with Girls. My testosterone is finally kicking in.

Oh I forgot, I will die in the near future of Skin Cancer. Albin0 Out!


Drake Frost said...

'Sup homes! Have fun with your blog.

Shelbey said...

Kyle, please don't read/comment on my blog. I find that to be a little bit creepy. Have fun with yours!