Friday, August 17, 2007


Self-Centeredness brings to me many bad experiences. According to Self-Centered means

  1. concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical.
  2. independent, self-sufficient.
  3. centered in oneself or itself.
  4. Archaic. fixed; unchanging.

Self-Centeredness is a common personality trait. How come being self-centered is such an annoyance to me? I am not a selfish person, I get what I can get and earn what I want. I've never been told "you are the best" "you are the smartest" or any of this pish posh crap. My parents have taught me to be greatful for what I have and to care about other people and their interests.

I hate people who only care about themselves. I will bluntly say it. I hate it. There is a whole 5 and a half billion other people in this world. Do people really want to be around somebody who cares only for his/her self when people ion Africa are dieing of starvation? I think not. Now I ask myself this question: Why are so many poeple are self-centered pampered princes/princesses? Is it because they are wealthy and think they are better than other people? Is it from the pressures of living up to your parents expectations? Or is it because you think you don't neede anyone else in your life, your already smart/good/cool enough to live life happly for the rest of your life? I believe is a mixture of all of these questions. I am completely opposite of all those questions. I like how I am. I hate being pampered, I'm quite independent in that matter. I hate wealthy, snotty and stuck up people. (I have the misfortune to know a few around my neighborhood and my high school) I can't stand parents that think their kid is higher in any of these catergories: Academics, Socially, and being "well rounded".

After doing some research I've found being self-centered is good in some situations, but the way I've seen self-centeredness I'm very much against it. In my opinion we must accept everyone's opinions and not just consider yours as being "the best" or only listening to you, we must all listen and care for everyone and not just ourselves. The problem is we cannot just change sombody's personality. Life needs to go on and there are trials in life that we must just try and ignore and move on. Those are my two cents on self-centeredness. Albin0 out!


Kirk said...

which fair dame or bloke provoked this outpour?

Drake Frost said...

I like the word pish posh. I'm not gonna lie.