Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ugg! Homework and Homecoming

As the first few weeks of school and also the last few weeks of summer go on by I get very depressed and go into a hormonal overload frenzy, but this year is different, instead I get to study and read for at least 2 hours a day and then take my daily 5:00PM nap. Days seem to start repeating themselves over and over again, but with one twist. Homecoming! I've realized that I can go to my first ever dance if I wanted to which I did until bad news came along. As a polite young man I am (at least I think I am) I should pay for my date and organize everything to make a successful homecoming experience for my date, but I don't have the money to do so. A few weeks ago my cell phone broke, my upgrade was up in a few months, but my dads upgrade was up so we were able to switch contracts and I was able to use his upgrade. I bought a new phone for myself that costed a good 130$. I now have a meezly 40$ left in my account. Then I thought why not transfer money from my savings to checking? No. My account is in a CD meaning I cannot withdraw money from my savings. Then I thought why not ask my parents for 50 bucks or so. Too bad. My Dad has started to do training for the new hired firemen in Park City. We as a family are loosing 1000$ a month, plus my mom just paid my brothers 1200$ school fees. Lesson I've learned is to be patient. I really wanted to ask Francesca to homecomming and I explained to her my complicated problem and luckily she was nice enough to forgive me and in return I will take her out on a date in the very near future. So after being so excited for homecoming it turned out to be a big dissapointment. At least there are more dances in the future.
Quote: "If life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?"- Tickle me Emo: Youtube


Kirk said...

Ha! All your accusations about me liking Francesca were wrong! HAHAHA. Not that I was ever romantically interested in her...

Albin0 said...

I don't "like like" her i just wanted to go to home comming with her and i need your e-mail address and i need you to send me a picture pronto of yourself

Kirk said...

i know kyle, it's boring here too. well at least school is. i'm coming back soon enough, within the year 2008.